
Enjoy These FREE Gifts Top Self-Help Experts Have Generously Made Available To You Only Until
Friday May 17th 2024 10:00:00 AM EDT

Download As Many As You Like Today, For FREE!

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Carolyn Hansen

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How To Immunize Your Brain Against Dementia (No Shots Required!)

If you've reached age 30 your brain is already shrinking.

As sure as your hips, thighs and midsection are expanding, your brain is
going in the other direction...

It's the (hidden) prelude to a long slide into cognitive decline

One marked by: memory loss, confusion and impaired judgement.

Allow me to show you how to STOP the shrinkage BEFORE the real damage kicks in!

Download "How To Build A Better Brain And Slow Cognitive Decline" and discover:

* The brain-shrinking epidemic that may already be eating away your grey matter

* The shocking but little-discussed cost of footing the care giver's bill for dementia

* How dementia gets started up to 50 years BEFORE the first sign of symptoms (and how to curtail it)

A Training Course in Breathwork to stay Calm, Confident & In the Flow State

Contributed By: Geoff Wilkins

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Breathe is a transformational blueprint showing how you can stay calm, confident, and collected even in the most stressful situations.
You will learn how you can tap into a ‘flow state’ for your ultimate performance.
Understand how you can remain calm in any stressful situation you face and apply it in an optimal way for better results.
How to combat anxiety and further avoid panic attacks.
The normal heart rate possible during a panic attack.
Learn how you can combat anxiety and stop panic attacks by monitoring your thoughts and emotions well.
Learn how you can use CBT to take full control of your thoughts and emotions.
Discover the most powerful breathing techniques and visualizations.
Modern cognitive behavioural therapy techniques

A Training Course in Chakra Energy

Contributed By: Geoff Wilkins

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A Guide to Chakras is a full training course on chakra energy, alignment and health. It includes details of alternative and extended chakra systems.

Understanding the Energy Centers Within
Cultivating Stability and Grounding
Unleashing Creativity and Embracing Emotional Wellness
Cultivating Personal Power and Self-Confidence
Opening the Gateway to Love and Compassion
Expressing Authenticity and Clear Communication
Awakening Intuition and Inner Wisdom
Connecting with Higher Consciousness and Spirituality
Alternative Chakra Systems

Yin Yang Guided Meditation!

Contributed By: Perfect Path

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This guided meditation will help you to combine yin and yang energy within yourself and:

Tap into vitality.
Tap into healing.
Tap into peace of mind.

Give yourself some rest, relaxation and much needed inner peace today!

* Be warned - this meditation will put you to sleep so don't use it unless you want to be completely relaxed :-)

YOUR Manifesting Edge!

Contributed By: DaKara Kies

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New Moon Abundance Checks. Discover how to tap into the Moons, energy and power to create the life of your dreams! Till the soil of your manifesting garden each month, write your checks with these tips and tools to ensure your success! Let it be easy, move into the flow and your hearts energy.

Join The Pandemic Inspired Grow-Your-Own Food Movement ...

Contributed By: Carolyn Hansen

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During the pandemic we experienced disruptions
to the food supply chain like never before.

Millions of people planted a vegetable garden
for the first time and this trend has continued.

After all, have you ever thought about for just
how long you would survive if the grocery stores
closed their doors without warning?

Two weeks? A month at the outset?

Given the events of the pandemic, does it make
sense to assume this could never happen again?

Could your family survive if it did?

In "The Survival Gardener" learn how to become
more food self-reliant.

And discover how you can protect yourself and your family
from future food shortages in this uncertain world.

50 Nourishing and Delicious Superfood Snack Recipes For All Day Energy

Contributed By: Carolyn Hansen

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Are you tired of being saddled with the annoying consequences of your sweet tooth "guilty pleasures"?

Like unwanted weight gain?

What if you could ditch those snacks made of "junk" food, and replace them with something just as tasty but made of healthy superfoods?

When you download a FREE copy of "50 Superfood Snack And Treat Recipes" you'll discover:

* Why you can stop counting calories when you begin enjoying my newly-formulated and easy-to-prepare "not so guilty pleasures".

* How to reclaim hormonal balance by snacking! (Really useful if you could do with a steady stream of energy.)

* The identity of the single-most versatile superfood. It offers so many HEALTH BENEFITS that I've put it in almost every recipe in the book!

Are Your HORMONES Hijacking Your Health And Happiness?

Contributed By: Carolyn Hansen

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If you constantly feel exhausted, anxious and off-balance
in life, just not the person you used to be...

Your hormones may be OUT OF WHACK and dragging you down.

Hormonal imbalance cannot be corrected with a simple
change of attitude.

Biochemical signaling - the slosh of hormones inside
you - is a POWERFUL influence on your body and mind
that you cannot afford to ignore!

An imbalance can be FIXED. To find out how, grab
my FREE eBook "Fix Your Hormones" to discover:


* Which 6 KEY HORMONES may be messing you up!

* How to REGULATE your "Fountain Of Youth" hormone

SUMMARY: You're supposed to feel great. If you don't
that's not normal, and your hormones may be to blame!

Control Your Own Destiny

Contributed By: The Celestial

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No One Else But YOU Is In-Charge Of Your Life. Learn How ...

Higher Power Calling

Contributed By: The Celestial

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You Have The Gift To Do So Much More. Learn How ...

Claim Your Ideal Body with This Beautiful Guided Meditation

Contributed By: Amy Flynn

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Step into a New You Effortlessly! Experience a Vibrant Ideal Body for Summer with this easy Ideal Body Alignment MP3!

This gorgeous, powerful channeled Loving Energy filled meditation cleanses and realigns your energetic matrix to fill you with beautiful Pink Energy of Self Love and takes you from visualizing to experiencing the vibration of your Ideal Body. You will be lovingly guided to design, create and step into your ideal body.

It is recommended to use the "Ideal Body - Ideal You mp3" two - three times per week until you feel GOOD in your Body and are thinking LOVING thoughts to yourself throughout the day! It's an easy and beautiful way to fill yourself with Activated SELF-LOVE as your Ideal Body manifests before your eyes!

TWO SPECIAL GIFTS! Make Your 2024 Amazing with TWO Powerful Energy Alignment MP3's!

Contributed By: Amy Flynn

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Make your Life Fabulous with these two POWERFUL Energy Filled Mp3's working for you!

CLAIM Your Wealth, Abundance and Magnificent Joy with these 2 POWERFUL Energy Filled Mp3's!
A Money Boost for 2024! Now is the time to be filled with JOY and receive the delicious Abundance you deserve!

Money Reiki Healing MP3 works with Energy and Vibration to align you with the Abundance and Money Flow you desire! You will feel the power of vibrational Energy Alignment as you are infused with the POWERFUL Energy in this MP3. It is recommended you use the Money Reiki Mp3 daily to continuously activate your Prosperity and Abundance!

Be Instantly filled with Joy! Instant Joy Process quickly connects you with the Joy that is hiding deep within!

4 Simple Steps: Experience A Wine-Free Weekend

Contributed By: Ruby Williams

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Ever wonder how much better you'd feel without your weekend wine? It's easier than you think!

Embrace a WINE-FREE WEEKEND with these 4 Simple Steps. I've created the perfect guide for you.

A comprehensive worksheet to get you super prepared for the weekend.

Inspiring videos to ignite your motivation.

Proven strategies to conquer cravings.

Tools for navigating the weekend effortlessly.

A follow-up assessment to gauge your progress.

You can enjoy social gatherings without wine. Discover the possibilities!

Grab your FREE guide and get started this Friday!

xoxo, Coach Ruby

Unlock Your Wealth Code: 10-Min Audio Reprogramming Your Mind for Money

Contributed By: Jonathan Soh

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Alright, lean in and listen up. I've got this game-changing freebie, the "10 Minute Subliminal Audio That Activates Your Abundance Magnetism." It ain't your regular audio file - this one's an upgrade to your mind's software, specifically fine-tuning your thoughts towards the big bucks. It's like having a backstage pass to the world of wealth.

It slides these clever messages into your subconscious, kickstarting your dormant 'Abundance Magnet.' Just like that, your brain's singing a whole new tune about money and success. It's like an invisible butler, making sure you're not missing those dollar-dripping opportunities anymore.

It's your golden ticket to the rollercoaster ride of financial abundance.

Prosperity Frequency 2022

Contributed By: Jonathan Soh

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Are you tired of struggling to make ends meet? Are you ready to attract wealth and abundance into your life? Look no further, because Prosperity Frequency is here to help.

This powerful audio track uses the latest in sound technology to help you tap into the frequency of prosperity. By listening to this track on a regular basis, you can retrain your mind to be more open to wealth and abundance.

Not only will this track help you attract more money into your life, but it will also help you to feel more positive and empowered. You'll be amazed at how quickly your life will begin to change for the better.

Don't let another day go by without taking control of your financial future. Try the Prosperity Frequency audio track today!

See Beyond the Visible: Activate Your Third Eye Chakra Today!

Contributed By: Brainwave Store

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Imagine navigating through life with a profound sense of clarity, being able to anticipate what lies ahead, and making decisions with confidence and insight.

We're excited to offer you a golden key to this reality with our Free Third Eye Chakra Activation Audio.

This unique tool is your guide to unlocking a new level of foresight and understanding, offering you a clearer vision of your path in life.

Download Your Free Audio Today and step into a world where clarity, foresight, and intuition guide your every move.

Discover what it means to live with your third eye open.

Conscious Wealth & Abundance Creation

Contributed By: Gabrielle Spencer

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Unlock the power of conscious wealth and abundance through our transformative free gift: The Golden Heart Energy Healing Transmission.
* **Dissolve Fear and Limiting Beliefs**: Unplug from the vibrations that hold you back from realizing your full potential.
* **Elevate Your Vibration**: Transition to higher vibrational states that are primed to receive and integrate high-vibe abundance energy.
* **Expand Your Universal Knowledge**: Gain insights and wisdom that align with the principles of abundance and prosperity.
* **Enhance Manifestation Abilities**: Supercharge your capability to manifest desires with greater speed and precision.
* **Link directly to a high-vibe network that supports the energy you need to create abundance!

17 Psychological Tricks to Persuade Anyone to Do Anything

Contributed By: Michael Lee

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Discover 17 unusual secrets to persuade people to do anything you want them to do!

Inside, you'll discover how to...

- Make someone obsessed with you.

- Possess magnetic charisma.

- Use the power of words to get what you want.

- Deal with annoying and toxic people.

- Sell anything.

- Persuade with your body.

- Change anyone's belief.

- Persuade people using stories.

- Handle difficult customers.

- Persuade anyone by asking for more.

- Influence your audience through public speaking.

- And More!

963 Hz Instant Divine Assistance MP3

Contributed By: Gary Teo

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Dear spiritual one, isn’t it time you experience how quick and easy spiritual awakening, healing and so much more can be?

By listening to this 963 Hz Instant Divine Assistance audio, you can:

- Experience spiritual awakening within seconds — just by requesting it from your higher self.
- Quickly and permanently heal a serious challenge — even one that’s caused you years of physical, emotional or mental suffering — by delegating the work to your inner healer.
- Call in any kind of energy you want — anytime you want it.
- Heal and bless others — simply by calling it in and being a “hollow reed.”
- Thrive in a “new normal” of harmonious living, enhanced intuition, joyous fulfillment of your responsibilities … and bliss!

Download now!

384 Hz Curse Removal MP3 (2023)

Contributed By: Gary Teo

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Things may not look well for you in 2024, as if you may be under a certain kind of "Evil Curse"…

However, for every problem, there’s always a solution.

Fortunately, I’ve secured you a personalized audio track called “384 Hz Curse & Hex Removal” which will send blasts of positive energies to you and eliminate any negativity in the atmosphere.

So, if things aren't going the way in 2024, you can make sure that's you're geared up for 2023. So whether you think you've been "cursed" or not, this MP3 can truly help you

Lost Book of Healing (For 2024)

Contributed By: Gary Teo

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"A comprehensive book that deserves all kinds of praise it can get for showing people how they can lead a pain-free life naturally" - Mary Mathieson, Washington D.C.

In Lost Book of Healing, Sarah Orwell shows you how a combination of ancient therapies, herbs, and lifestyle can create a system for anyone who wants to lead a pain-free life.

This amazing book - the leader in its field - teaches you how to improve your health through practical tips you never know existed.

Get your book now!

Love What You See? Then Enter Your Name and Best Email Below For Our Newsletters and To Be Notified When New Gifts Are Added:

The Power of Passion

The secret to find and fuel your dreams to instantly get what you want in any area of your life

Half The Man You Used To Be

Guys, you are being feminized without your knowledge. Find out why.

Best Way to Lose Weight

Imagine being able to slim down for good, just once. Let me show you how
