A Training Course in Breathwork to stay Calm, Confident & In the Flow State
Breathe is a transformational blueprint showing how you can stay calm, confident, and collected even in the most stressful situations. Here is what you will discover with this premium digital product:
You will learn how you can tap into a ‘flow state’ for your ultimate performance.
    You will understand how you can remain calm in any stressful situation you face and apply it in an optimal way for better results.
    You will understand how to combat anxiety and further avoid panic attacks.
    You will understand the normal heart rate possible during a panic attack.
    You will further learn how you can combat anxiety and stop panic attacks by monitoring your thoughts and emotions well.
    You will learn how you can use CBT to take full control of your thoughts and emotions.
    You will discover the most powerful breathing techniques and visualizations.
    You will learn modern cognitive behavioral therapy techniques such as mindfulness, thought recording, thought challenging, and hypothesis testing.
    You will understand how you can become socially fearless with the help of hypothesis testing.
    You will get an introduction to meditation and how you can use it to stay calm and focused.
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