The Manifesting Edge

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of the moons energy for manifesting.

The Manifesting Edge

Tap into the Moon's energy and power to create the life of your dreams! 
Till the soil of your manifesting garden each month, write your checks with these tips and resources to ensure your success! 

New Moon Abundance check writing is a ritual for manifesting, using the 
energy of the New Moon each month. New Moon time is a time of new beginnings. What seeds are you ready to plan for your life? 

 In this special FREE report you will receive:

1.)    10 Steps to Writing your New Moon Abundance Checks      

2.)    New Moon Abundance Checks (checks you can print out to use)

3.)    New Moon Dates for 2024

4.)    Astrology Houses & Energies

5.)    Magic others have created using this process

6.)    Final Manifesting Thoughts    

The best part is, you really don’t even need to
believe that the check will work when you write it. 
(though the power of intention and visualization and the emotion 
of having already what you are wanting is quite powerful).

You will be amazed at the results, as you
will see increased abundance in your life, in some
life area. It is not always financial,
but certainly in an area that you need.

Abundance is so much more than ‘money’.
Perhaps a friend invites you to lunch and pays.
Perhaps you are at lunch with a friend and they offer their
expert advice on some area of your life.
These are simple examples of Abundance.
Abundance comes in many forms.
Be GRATEFUL for all that comes into your life.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down.
If you do not have a checking account you can draw a
check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way – the
results will be the same, more abundance for you.

What others are sharing:

Hi DaKara!!!!
Just wanted to thank you for your clear instructions on how to write the
abundance checks !!! I first heard about these amazing checks on the radio,
then decided to go online to look up on how to write them , and your report was the best !!!!
I’ve been doing these checks since January 2014, and my household has had an abundance of
EVERYTHING !!!!!! Food, $$$$$$, love, you name it !!!
Thank you ssssooooo much !!!! I will continue to do these checks !!!!!

Shares from attendees of the monthly
New Moon Manifesting calls

I’ve been doing the new moon ceremonies with DaKara since 2016.  I didn’t necessarily 
connect the dots to the extra money that started easily appearing, however, it was 
showing up in spite of all the stress and fear I was engulfed in at the time.


I moved from the City at the beginning of 2017 to a much more peaceful environment, 
and stopped doing the ceremonies.  Coincidentally, money stopped flowing and life 
started getting chaotic, so I decided to do the Virgo new moon ceremony

(Sept. 2017) and wow.  

My first thought was how powerful and grounded DaKara sounded. She’s always
been amazing, but I noticed a subtle difference that made me think that she has

definitely been ‘called to lead the tribe forward’.  I’ve done the September 2017
ceremony 3 nights in a row and each time my physical issues/blockages
cleared, and this morning I woke up feeling happy and clear-headed.
I honestly don’t remember the last time I felt that way.  If ever.

Thank you, Dakara! 



Dearest DaKara,

Heartfelt thanks to you.

I have attended the last 2 new moon calls and I
wanted to say “THANK YOU”. Listening to those calls, I was able
to release many fears surrounding money and other blockages.

Thanks to your wonderful healing energy and your new moon checks,
my husband and I, won the grand prize of $5000.00 this weekend at an event.

I am so grateful to the Universe and to you, Dakara for this
wonderful blessing. Your gift of healing and helping is truly amazing.

God Bless you.

from: Montreal, Canada


Dearest Dakara,

just listened to the recording of your New Moon Manifesting call of April 24th.  The information you 
shared is confirmation of everything that I’ve been sensing.  Your guided meditation was exceptionally
beautiful, powerful and empowering.  You guided me to a place deep within my heart and soul where 
I experienced release, healing, peace and unconditional love.  I emerged feeling similar to what those 
who’ve had NDE’s describe as their experience of Heaven. 

My faith in my own capacities and the process of life have been reborn.  I not only feel, but know that 
I can truly move forward and create and build something from nothing; and I look forward to birthing 
my desires into reality.  Thank you so much for the beautiful work that you do.  
You are a gracious contribution to us all.

Much Gratitude, Love and Blessings to you, Dakara!

Maureen Marie Damery
Your Owner’s Manual for Life 
~Source Code of Your Soul


The Abundance check has already saved my life in numerous and surprising ways.
For example last NM, I didn’t have any check with me, just a small scratch paper. I
wrote it on it any way wishing that the high intensity of my feelings will erase the
poor quality of the paper! At my surprise I received divine help I really needed.
The tenants who were causing problems in my rental property by not accepting
to move out, finally did with almost not a word!

Every month something good arrives, little treat or big help. It is so comforting
to know that we are not alone.

The more I do this , the more confident I become, the happier I feel.
Sometimes it seems that I feel that divine presence around so strong
like I could touch it.  What a great moment!

Thank you for being part of this process.





Gift Value $49.95

To your Success!



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